Breaking into AI

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Do I have to get a BS in my field in order to get into tech? Short answer: NO

Long answer:

There are a couple of different reasons as to why, after completing a BS in computer science, I think that it is BS if you want to get into the tech industry.

  1. Not all universities offer both a BS and BA option for their computer science degrees, as such it becomes almost impossible for companies to differentiate between either option. I think this is why companies give both BA or BS as options for degrees.
  2. There is no standard about what a BS means, therefore even if companies were to require a BS there would be great inconsistencies across universities and as such it wouldn't matter, and that's why it doesn't matter right now.
  3. What is the most important for your success in getting into the tech industry is getting internship experience or any other sort of relevant work experience, as such if doing a BA gives you extra time to purse internships, part time work, or side projects then that would be a better choice.
  4. Once you have a job, no one will care if you have a BA or a BS, it'll be a foot note on your resume so don't stress about it.
  5. There is a 1 letter difference between BA and BS.
  6. Focus on learning things that will be important in your long term vision, that may mean taking business classes or spending time elsewhere. The time in university is for your your benefit, so if you think the trade off between a BA and BS is not worth it then don't do it.